Halloween Crawl Check In Info

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Hello Halloween Crawlers,

We have a few points of order to help make the Saturday as smooth as possible.

Check in opens at 12:00 sharp and ends at 3:00.

You will need to bring either a printed Eventbrite ticket or show the app on your phone. If you don’t have a paper ticket or the phone app, you can use your ID to pick up your ticket. Please be ready when you get to the top of the line. We’ll be checking in hundreds of crawlers and nobody wants to be stuck behind the person who doesn’t have any of their stuff ready. Only the ticket buyer needs to be present. If multiple tickets were bought, you’ll get all your goodies at once and you can pass on the extras to your friends.

If you have friends still interested but haven’t signed up yet. We have a handful of tickets left. They can register below.


Check In takes place at the following:

12:00 – 1:20 – Blackstone – 15 Union Street

1:30 – 3:00 – The White Bull Tavern – 1 Union Street

Bar schedule:

We will have 8 – 10 bars in the Faneuil Hall/Financial District area planned. There are a few other big crawls planned from other groups that day. We’re planning to visit places not associated with their schedule but we might run into conflicts. The bar managers have assured me that we will be okay.

You will receive the entire schedule when you check in on Saturday. We are not releasing the schedule prior to the crawl, as we want to keep this event as exclusive as possible for your own comfort. Please note, the bars have the right to refuse entry to anyone due to bar capacity or personal incapacity. Also, you will need to show a valid license or ID to gain entry to each of the bars (this is the bars’ policy).


I know that bringing your card might be easy. But when tons of people are trying to order drinks, it takes a lot more time to open and close a tab than to pay with cash. Plus you’d be surprised about how many people forget to close their tabs at the end of the night and leave for home without their credit cards. There are multiple ATMs around Faneuil Hall…check one out. Also, remember to tip your bartenders!

Remember to drink responsibly and use public transportation. Don’t drink and drive!

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Have a great time on Saturday! We’re looking forward to seeing those costumesIMG_1420

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